SAHS Tote Bag Order Form

Tote Bag

SAHS is offering this tote bag filled with a God Jul towel with an embroidered dalahäst, a jar of Hafi black currant, lingonberry or cloudberry preserves and spoon, Jul candle and our very own Swedish Favorites cookbook, all for $45. Orders must be received by November 30 and will be delivered by December 9. Order using the form on the back of the newsletter and mail to the SAHS office or order on the SAHS website. Quantities are limited, so don’t delay in placing your order.

Delivery to Grand Rapids area only.

This is the amount you will pay via PayPal after you click "Submit." If you prefer, you can also print and mail the form with a check to SAHS/WM, 29 Pearl Street NW, #127, Grand Rapids, MI 49503.